How to Find Slab Leaks & Repair Them?
How to Find Slab Leaks & Repair Them?
How to Find Slab Leaks & Repair Them?

How to Find Slab Leaks & Repair Them?

There are many reasons why sewer and water pipes under the foundation of your house may start to leak. Although these pipes are designed to deliver water to your fixtures without any problem, as your home begins to age, these pipes become prone to corrosion resulting in cracks. When a line in your slab starts to leak, it is almost impossible to detect it in time and prevent the repercussions of leaks to your property. Leak Detection of Atlanta has a team of experts who are well-trained and equipped to help you protect the foundation of your property through top-notch leak detection and leak repair services.

Finding Leaks Under Your Slab

Slab leaks are caused by several factors such as earthquakes, high acidity in the water, deteriorating copper pipes, abrasions, and high water pressure, among others. Luckily, some signs can help you detect leaks in pipes under your slab. Some of these signs you need to look out for include:

Presence of Water and Damp Spots

A network of plumbing lines runs through the foundation, cemented into place by the cement used to form the slab. A leaking pipe in your slab might take time before it becomes easily detectable, but eventually, you will start to notice either damp spots or water on your floor. An easy way to detect such leaks is by walking barefoot around your home. In case of a leaking hot-water line, walking barefoot will help you feel areas in the floor that have unusual heat.

Sound of Rushing Water Underneath Your Floor

Once you hear if there’s a facet that is turned on beneath your home, yet you are sure that is not the case, it is an indication of a slab leak. If left unchecked, this can grow into a big problem that wastes a lot of time and financial resources. Therefore, as soon as you hear the sound of running water under your floor, it is advisable to contact a team of professionals so that you get ahead of the problem.

Increase in Utility Bills

Since slab leaks are not easily detected, an increase in your water bill is an indication of a potential leak. It is essential to schedule regular maintenance checks to prevent an unexplainable increase in your water bills. A slab leak can go for months before it is detected, which ends up costing you a lot of money in the long run.

Fixing a Slab Leak

After identifying a leak, consulting our professional team enables us to design an effective leak repair plan or re-plumb the affected area in your home. This is mainly determined by the extent of damage caused by the leak. If the leak has caused a lot of irreversible damage, our experts can recommend installing new piping throughout your property, especially if you are dealing with galvanized plumbing.

After isolating the affected area, we will use the appropriate equipment to access the damaged pipe. Then, we conduct a thorough assessment of the affected area before deciding to re-pipe or temporarily fixing the issue.

At Leak Detection of Atlanta, we help you mitigate plumbing issues by offering leak detection in Tucker, GA. So get in touch with us and enjoy quality plumbing at an affordable cost.

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